This is our God (Phil Wickham)

Wickham, Furtick, Lake, Barrett

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MultiTrack $24.00
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Song: This is our God

Writer: Phil Wickham, Steven Furtick, Brandon Lake, Pat Barrett

Key: Bb

BPM: 80

Track Length: 4.27

Recording: Worship Backing Band

Publishing Info: © Brandon Lake Music | Maverick City Publishing Worldwide | Capitol CMG Genesis | Housefires Sounds | Music by Elevation Worship Publishing | Phil Wickham Music | Simply Global Songs. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

CCLI #: 7211413

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This MultiTrack is NOT configured for our OLD MultiTrack Player. You'll get two versions of the track : The Transition Track for our new Mac/PC/iPad Transition MultiTrack Player and the studio Wav files for a DAW such as Ableton (please note that there is no Ableton session file).