
Looking to save money? Buy Worship Backing Band credits in bulk to reduce the price of your MultiTrack and Split Track purchases.

  • Questions about Credits

    • What are Credits?

      Credits are our own form of currency. 1 Credit = $1 or £1. If a track is $10 it would cost 10 credits You can buy credits in bulk - the more you buy the more you save. You can use them to buy any of our products.

    • How do I use Credits?

      You will be able to see your credit balance at checkout and in your account. You can make a payment either with your credits or by using alternative payment methods. You can choose to part pay with credits and use the other payment options to pay the balance or you can use all your credits to pay for your whole purchase or you can save your credits and use the other payment options. Your credit balance updates after the order has been placed and you can see this in your account or when you next go to checkout.

    • Can I give my Credits to anyone else?

      Yes! As long as they have an account with Worship Backing Band you can choose to send some or all of your credits to them.

    • Why do I need to buy Credits separately?

      If you want to buy Credits, it is better to buy them separately to other products so that they are automatically added to your account immediately.  If the Credits are purchased with another product, they have to be manually added to your account which can only be done during our office hours and may take up to 48 hours depending on the time/day of purchase.

      Please be aware that it can take your credit account a few minutes to update when credits have been purchased.

    • Can I get a refund for my Credits?

      No. Once you have purchased your credits they cannot be refunded. They will stay in your account until you have used them up. If you have a small final amount that does not cover a full purchase you can use your remaining credits and then pay the remainder with a credit/debit card.

    • What can I buy with my Credits?

      You can buy any of our MultiTracks, Split Tracks (including DVDs) and the Transition Player for Mac/PC. The Transition Player App for iPad is purchased directly from the Apple App Store and so cannot be purchased with Worship Backing Band Credits.

    • I don't understand the pricing options

      The dropdown menu shows the number of credits you will buy followed by the price in brackets. The 250 and 500 Credits lines show +£$107 and +£$275 after the price. You can ignore this - it is just an increase on the base price from £$115. Once the Credits are added to your basket this does not show.

      125 Credits Cost £$115

      250 Credits Cost £$222

      500 Credits Cost £$390

Still need help?

Got a question about our products or need some help or training in how they work? Our 'How To' videos and FAQs in the Help section should cover everything but...

If you still need help then please do email If your email is about an order please give the order number AND the email address used to place the order. If you have problems with the MultiTrack Player rather than email please instead complete this Technical Support Form.