Top 20 Backing Tracks 2021-22

We’ve run the numbers for the last 12 months and here are Worship Backing Band’s Top 25 best selling MultiTracks and Split Tracks.
Best Selling MultiTracks
- Graves Into Gardens
- Raise a Hallelujah
- Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
- Blessed Be Your Name
- How Great is Our God
- What a Beautiful Name
- Good Good Father
- 10,000 Reasons
- House of the Lord
- Battle Belongs
- Build My Life
- Holy Spirit
- See A Victory
- This is Amazing Grace
- Living Hope
- Mighty To Save
- Come Now is the Time to Worship
- In Christ Alone
- Who You Say I Am
- Great Are You Lord
- Here I am to Worship (Light of the World)
- O Come to the Altar
- Open The Eyes of My Heart
- Reckless Love
- The Father’s House
It is interesting how the best selling MultiTracks and Split Tracks differ. This is likely due to larger churches buying MultiTracks (because they have existing musicians, larger worship teams and want more versatility in their worship services). Split tracks tend to be purchased by smaller churches that tend to prefer older, more established songs and have often not yet discovered the newer releases. So for instance, our number one selling MultiTrack, Graves Into Gardens, does not even feature in our Split Track top 25.
So if you are in a small church and haven’t yet discovered some of these newer songs such as Graves into Gardens, House of the Lord and The Father’s House do have a listen and consider introducing them to your services.
Best Selling Split Tracks
- Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
- Way Maker
- Blessed Be Your Name
- Here I am to Worship (Light of the World)
- How Great is Our God
- Open The Eyes Of My Heart
- Raise a Hallelujah
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- 10,000 Reasons
- Build My Life
- Above All
- Cornerstone (Hillsong)
- Days of Elijah
- Forever (Give Thanks
- Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Jesus Messiah
- Who You Say I Am
- Heart of Worship
- How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
- In Christ Alone
- Living Hope
- The Blessing
- The Lion and the Lamb
- What a Beautiful Name